Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Assignment #3, Canada 2109.

Canada has changed in so many ways over the past 100 years. Internet, cell phones and even video games. These are all things that have happened in the past 100 years that have been good, or helpful to the world. Now, the things that will happen in the next 100 years, I don’t know. But, I can make predictions.
I think people will rely on technology to do everything for us. To the point where people will not even want to walk to get places. The world will get so lazy they will not even have to think to do things. The richest people in the world will just buy their way through life and pay smarter people to make their decisions for them. Then again, that’s even happening now!
Also, money value. Every type of money will keep increasing in value so soon enough a chocolate bar will be $50. But in the future, I think $50 will be worth just as much as $2 is now.
I also think schools will be taught and handled differently. They will supply kids with everything they need, and teachers might not even teach anymore while at school. Who knows, they could use a computer screen and be able to stay at home while still teaching? Robots will be built with more detail and with more human like thoughts. They will have human senses and be able to react.
The U.S just elected their first black president, Canada might elect their first woman prime minister.
These are possibilities, not facts. It’s just my opinion. I could be right or wrong. 100 years is a very long period of time, who knows what could happen?


Shauna Pollock said...

Some great ideas here - I, too, wonder how school will change in the future.

Canada has had a female prime minister before! (Look up Kim Campbell!)