Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment #6 Charmaine Crooks

I'm doing my assignment on Charmaine Crooks. She is a 5-time Olympian runner. She won silver in 1984 and has represented Canada almost the past 20 years. In 1996, she was the one who carried the Canadian flag at the Opening Ceremonies of the 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olympic Games. I chose her because I wanted to learn more about an African-Canadian 5-time Olympian runner.

She was born August 8, 1962 in Mandeville, Jamaica. She was the first Canadian woman to run the 800 metres in under 2 minutes. She as chosen as one of the "Top 50 Women of Power." Charmaine Crooks has been President/Founder of NGU Consultants, a sports marketing, management and consulting company. She was and still is for some people a role model for some people. I had never heard about Charmaine Crooks, and I don't know why because of the things she has accomplished. I am quite impressed.

These are the sites I got my information from.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Assignment #5 The Early Settlers

You think its cold now? Well, early canadian settlers didn't have all the warm "extras" we have now. If you think its hard to survive in the cold now, it must have been near impossible 100 years ago. The early settlers are the ones who started the base of Canada. Food and shelter were hard things to get. Quote from Amit's blog, "Some would say it's in comparison to winning the 649 lottery."

Food, was a very hard thing to get. They had to grow their own food, vegetables and pick berries. But in the winter, imagine how hard it would be to get food. Jams and jellies were stored for food, and there was a general store where you could get food in exchange for other goods. Milk and butter was churned from cows. They were also used for meat. Chickens provided meat and eggs. Pigs, duck and geese were also raised. People would sometimes sell or trade these animals to get money or other foods.

Shelter was made using wood. Most people lived right near forests, so wood was an unlimited supply, but the challenge was cutting down the trees and seperating them into pieces to fit into the fireplace... in the winter. Before making a house, people lived in tents and kept all of their belongings in their tents. Sod houses were the easiest to make (grass and roots). They were first cut into strips, then piled on top of eah other like bricks, which is how walls were made.

My mom's side of the family lived in England before they came to Canada. The reason my grandmother moved to Canada was because her husband, Mike Fisher (not the hockey player), was offered a job in Canada with the government to work as an architect for submarines. So she moved to Canada with him.

My dad's side of the family lived in Uruguay before coming to Canada. They moved to Canada because my grandfather was offered a job at Ottawa Uinversity to be a professer. My grandmother went with him and thats when their lives started.

I got all of my information from

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Assignment #4

The first 2109 assigment i read was Stefan V's. He had very similar thoughts to mine. But the one i agreed with the most was "The people that are rich wont worry about that, a million dollars is alot of money now, but then it will not be as much." That is something i agree with completely. His assigment was very detailed.

The second 2109 assigment i read was Amit's. Again, Amit had very a similar assigment to mine. I really liked his thoughts and his prospects and views of the history. "We also might get our first woman to be the Prime Minister of Canada." Again that was something I thought aswell. Alot of effort and information was in his assigment. It was my favourite.

The third and last assigment i read was Carly's. She think people in the future will firgure out the cure for cancer. That is something i don't agree with because i don't think anyone will figure out the cure for cancer. I think it is uncureable. A quote from Carly's assigment. "I really hope that in the future (2109) that they will find a cure to cancer.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Assignment #3, Canada 2109.

Canada has changed in so many ways over the past 100 years. Internet, cell phones and even video games. These are all things that have happened in the past 100 years that have been good, or helpful to the world. Now, the things that will happen in the next 100 years, I don’t know. But, I can make predictions.
I think people will rely on technology to do everything for us. To the point where people will not even want to walk to get places. The world will get so lazy they will not even have to think to do things. The richest people in the world will just buy their way through life and pay smarter people to make their decisions for them. Then again, that’s even happening now!
Also, money value. Every type of money will keep increasing in value so soon enough a chocolate bar will be $50. But in the future, I think $50 will be worth just as much as $2 is now.
I also think schools will be taught and handled differently. They will supply kids with everything they need, and teachers might not even teach anymore while at school. Who knows, they could use a computer screen and be able to stay at home while still teaching? Robots will be built with more detail and with more human like thoughts. They will have human senses and be able to react.
The U.S just elected their first black president, Canada might elect their first woman prime minister.
These are possibilities, not facts. It’s just my opinion. I could be right or wrong. 100 years is a very long period of time, who knows what could happen?

Thursday, January 8, 2009


So this is my blog, welcome... im a grade 8 student in Ottawa, Canada. Im learning about Canadian History and i hope this is fun for you and hope you will respond/comment. Im pretty excited about this because typing for me is much easier than writing.